Fabulous Iranian Cuisine

Fabulous Iranian Cuisine

      World Cuisines is going to look into the Iranian cuisine in this article. Iran is a western Asian country and the second-largest country in the middle east. Iran has a population of around 82 million. It also the World’s 18th most populous country. Iran is an Islamic republic and has a unique cuisine.
    Iran is full of deserts, and the fertile area is limited, but, Iran still has a unique cuisine and a variety of delicious dishes. Iran primarily consumes lamb and beef, but rarely they also consume ostrich meat. Iran is the second-largest ostrich meat producer after South Africa.


Iranian cuisine, tasty food
Sangak Breads 
       Iran has a unique flatbread called “Sangak." Those bread are huge, and bakeries use a special oven like a tandoori oven to bake those bread. Sangak bread is used in most of their meals by Iranians.


    One of the most famous foods in Iran cuisine is Kebab. The kebab is typically grilled meat in a skewer. Iranians use various types of meat to make kebabs. They season the meat with different spices before grilling. Vegetables also grilled with the meat sometimes to make it more interesting.


    Iranians also consume rice in their meals. They also drink a special spiced YOGHURT drink called “Doogh” with their meals.

Iranian cuisine, tasty food


   Iran also has a special dish called “Halim.” Halim is prepared by boiling wheat grains and lamb meat. Wheat is boiled about five hours and then both boiled wheat, and the lamb meat is mixed together. Then the mixture is processed until it gets a congealed texture. The mixture is eaten for breakfast after mixing with olive oil, sugar, and spices.


    Iran also has a dish called “Aash”. Various types of herbs are used for this dish. They mostly use cilantro, dill, leeks, parsley, and tarragon as herbs. They mix boiled lentils, kidney beans and chickpeas with the herb mixture. Then the mixture is cooked after adding salt, paper, and spices. Then they also add turmeric oil and fried onions to increase the flavour. Finally, they also add wheat noodles to complete breakfast. Aash and Halim both can be mentioned as the most popular breakfasts in Iran.
     Middle part Iran which is renowned for its rosewater production also consumes a lot of meat in their meals. Iranians usually cook for a long time. They cook meat for about 2 or 3 hours typically. Camel meat is also consumed in Iran.


Iranian cuisine, tasty food

      “Sohan” is a unique traditional Persian dessert which is made using egg yolk, flour, sugar and a lot of saffron to make it tastier and to add a unique smell. To make it more interesting, they also add Pistachio and Almonds in the end. Unique ingredients like pomegranate paste, Saffron, and berries are also used for cooking Iranian dishes. Olive oil butter and spices also play a strong hand in Iranian cuisine.

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