Famous Italian Cuisine List

Famous Italian Cuisine List

    Do you ever wonder about the Italian cuisine list? Just spend a few minutes here to know about one of the best cuisines in the World.
   Italy has a little history as a country, about 150 years, but the culture attached to it goes a long way back. People in Italy are from different backgrounds hence the city to city there are differences in everything. The cuisine of a country or an area is influenced by the culture, history and the fashion of the people. There are foods in Italy that are unique and originated from certain cities. As an example, Carbonara pasta is originated in Rome, Pizza, spaghetti, gnocchi are from Napoli.

Here is my top 10 famous Italian cuisine list.
  • Pizza
  • Spaghetti
  • Risotto
  • Lasagne
  • Ravioli
  • Prosciutto
  • Gnocchi
  • Chicken  Parmesan
  • Minestrone
  • Gelato


      Pizza is originated in Greece, although pizza is considered the most popular meal in Italian cuisine. Italy started selling pizza in the 18th century. Pizza did not have any toppings in the early stages. The first pizza with topping is known to be pizza Margarita, which is named after Queen Margarita as she requested a pizza after seen people eating pizza in the streets. Pizza Margarita is topped with fresh basil, tomatoes and mozzarella cheese representing three colours in the Italian flag, red, green, and white. Pizzas are prepared with various combinations of toppings these days around the world.
Margarita and Marinara are considered as the only authentic pizzas in Italy. Tomatoes, garlic, Oregon, olive oil and basil are used for Marinara.

Pizza  recipe

  • Warm water 2 cups
  • Salt to taste
  • Active dry yeast 1 1/2 tablespoons
  • Olive oil 2 tablespoons
  • All-purpose flour 5 1/4 cups
  • A pinch of sugar
     Add warm water, sugar, and yeast to a bowl and let it sit for 5 minutes. Then add flour, olive oil, and salt and mix lightly. Remove the dough from the bowl and place it on a lightly floured surface. Knead the dough approximately 10 minutes until it becomes smooth and elastic. Cover with a plastic wrap & let the dough rest for 2 hours. Then dived the dough into three pieces and rest for 20 more minutes. Roll and get the required shape, add your favourite toppings and bake in a preheated oven (450 F/250 C) for 15-20 minutes.

1st in the Italian cuisine list


       Next on Italian cuisine list is Spaghetti, Spaghetti is a cultural food in Italy. But there is a story saying that spaghetti originally comes from China. Spaghetti is pasta type which is cylindrical in shape and made from either rice flour or hard wheat flour. Spaghetti and meatballs is a famous dish made using spaghetti. Tomato sauce and meatballs are mixed with spaghetti to prepare this. Spaghetti with Bolognese sauce is also renowned in Italian cuisine. Bolognese is a meat-based sauce which was originated in Bologna in Italy. Garlic, onions, minced and crumbled beef, red wine, tomato paste, Worcestershire sauce, bay leaves, fresh thyme, salt, and pepper are used for Bolognese sauce.

2nd in the Italian cuisine list


     Risotto is a traditional Italian rice dish cooked using a variety of rice called Arborio. Risotto is prepared by adding broth or stock until it gets a creamy texture. Butter, vegetable oil, parmesan cheese, chopped onions, and fresh parsley also added to Risotto to make it yummy.
 Risotto needs special attention while cooking, unlike regular rice. The correct amount of stock should be added to get the creamy, unique risotto texture.
3rd in the Italian cuisine list


     Lasagne is a type of pasta, which has a long history. Lasagne also considered one of the oldest types of pasta. Lasagne is prepared by stacking pasta layers one over another. Sauces, meats,  vegetables, and cheese are added between the sheets.

4th in the Italian cuisine list


     Ravioli also another type of Pasta. A thin dough of pasta is stuffed with a mixture of meats and vegetables. Ravioli usually are square in shape, but circular and semi-circular shaped ravioli can also be found. Ravioli are served with sauces consist of ricotta, parmesan, garlic, and butter.

5th in the Italian cuisine list


     Prosciutto is also called Italian ham. It is dry-cured thinly sliced ham which is normally eat uncooked. It has a buttery and melts in the mouth texture. Prosciutto can also be eaten with a slice of lemon as a snack or between two slices of bread.

6th in theItalian cuisine list


     Gnocchi is also a variety of pasta. It is more like a pasta dumpling. Gnocchi can be made using semolina, wheat flour, and potatoes. The dough is kneaded using water and eggs. Then the mixture is cut into small pieces and boiled in the water.  Gnocchi can be eaten with different sauces and broths.

7th in the Italian cuisine list

Chicken  Parmesan

     Chicken is seasoned with salt and paper and coated with flour. Seasoned chicken is then dipped into an egg mixture. Then the chicken is covered again with a bread crumb and parmesan mixture. Finally, the chicken is baked in an oven. Baked chicken is topped with more parmesan and served with sauces.


     Minestrone is a type of thick soup that is originally from Italy. It is a vegetable soup generally made with beans, carrot, celery, tomatoes, and onions. They often serve with rice or pasta.

9th in the Italian cuisine list


Last but not least, in the Italian cuisine list is Gelato. Gelato is the Italian version of ice cream made with cream, milk, and eggs. It has a higher proportion of milk and a lower portion of cream than regular ice cream. It is also denser than ice cream as it is mixed slowly and hence less air mix with the mixture. Gelato is prepared in many flavours in Italy.

10th in the Italian cuisine list
     Italian cuisine is considered as one of the best cuisines in the world. This article on the Italian cuisine list is just a little step toward Italian cuisine just to get an idea.

Homemade pasta

   Pasta is everywhere in the Italian cuisine list. The pasta was made by hand in the early days. Making pasta by hand is still practised around the world.
  The first step to make pasta is making the dough.

  • One part of all-purpose flour
  • One part Semolina flour 
  • Eggs
  • Olive oil 
  • Water
    The above ingredients are used to make the dough. The dough also can be made without using semolina flour. Then the dough is kneaded to be kneaded for about 10 minutes. The dough is ready when it has some elasticity. This can be checked by pushing a knuckle into the dough. The dough should come back to the normal position slowly when the finger is removed.
   Then the dough should be rested for at least 30 minutes after covering it with a plastic wrap or a wet towel.
    Then the dough needs to be rolled using a roller to about a 1/8 inch thick sheet. The rolled dough can be used to make a lasagna sheet. The thin dough then can be cut to make noodles like pasta. Truffles also can be used to add glamour to Italian cuisine.
  People may have different opinions about their favourite Italian cuisine list. But there is no doubt that you can enjoy every bit of this fantastic cuisine.

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