What is Truffle

What is Truffle

         Are you wondering what truffle is? This is the best place to find everything about truffles.

    Truffle is a type of edible fungus (The fruit of mycorrhizal fungi), like mushrooms. But truffles grow underground, closer to the roots of some trees. There are multiple varieties of truffles, but the best kinds are from specific regions. Truffles can be found in different sizes. Generally, size varies from the size of a berry to an orange. 
  • Black truffle - from France
  • White truffle - from Italy

What is truffle  - winter truffle
Winter truffle

What is truffle - Black truffle
Black truffle

What is truffle
White truffle

There are multiple varieties of truffles, around 40. But only a few have a real commercial value,

  • Black or Perigord truffles
  • Winter truffles
  • Summer truffles
  • Burgundy truffles
  • Oregon Black truffles
  • Oregon White truffles

Truffles have a unique smell, a mixture of smells like cheese, fruit, garlic or phenol. Dogs are used to track down truffles due to this unique smell. It is not easy to describe the taste of truffles. It tastes oaky, nutty and earthy with stinging savoury notes to go with sweet and juiciness.

How much is truffle worth

Truffle is rare and difficult to find; hence, it worths a good chunk of money. 
Truffles are expensive, an ounce of black truffles cost about 95 $, an ounce of white truffles cost about 160 $. 

   Truffles can be grown too but need to provide the required conditions preciously. Black and white truffles grow only in areas where 4 distinct seasons exist. Burgundy truffles do not require 4 different seasons to develop. Not all trees support the growth of truffle. 
Truffles normally grow around, 

  • Oak
  • Beech
  • Hazelnut
  • Birch
  • Hornbeam
  • Pine
  • Poplar

For the growth of truffles,
  • Need soil pH level between 7.5 - 8.3.
  • Need a sound irrigation system for the growth of the trees. (about 2.5 cm of water per week).

Truffles can be harvested after five years of planting the trees. Weeds should be removed entirely from the area without using any chemicals. Chemicals or toxins can poison the truffles.

How to eat truffles

Although truffle is a fungus, like mushrooms you can not fry, bake or boil truffles. Cooking kills the aroma and flavour of it. Grated truffles are sprinkled over dishes like pasta, risotto, eggs and many more. 
What is truffle - Truffle shavings
Truffle shavings
What is truffle - Truffle over pasta
Truffle over pasta

Nutrition of Truffles

Per 100 grams,
  • Calories 284
  • Total fat 0.7 g
  • Cholesterol 0 g
  • Sodium 35 mg
  • Potassium 754 mg
  • Carbohydrate 73 g
  • Protein 9 g
  • Also, contains Calcium, Magnesium, and Iron
* nutrient profile can be varied among different species.

You will have certain health benefits if you can add truffles to your diet. Truffles are high in essential nutrients. They are high in antioxidants which can prevent oxidative damages to cells. They also have antibacterial properties that can reduce the growth of harmful bacterias in the body. Truffles can improve and strengthen the immunity system of the body. Some researches suggest that truffles have qualities to fight with cancer.
 So, that's the answer to the question of what is truffles. Comment your thoughts about truffles.
