Sri Lankan Cuisine

Sri Lankan Cuisine 

        World Cuisines is going to look into the Sri Lankan cuisine in this article. Sri Lanka is a South Asian country. It has a rich culture which is more than 2500 years old.

Rice & Curries 

     Sri Lankans mainly consume rice. They mostly use red rice and white rice apart from that they also use "Samba" rice and "Basmati" rice for cooking. They also use various types of curries to go with this rice. Most of the curries are prepared with coconut milk and a lot of spices. They mainly use spices like cinnamon, cloves, chilli powder, turmeric powder, pepper, and many more spices to make delicious curries.

Sri Lankan cuisine, tasty food
 Rice & curry plate

      Most of the Sri Lankan curries are spicy but very tasty with the use of various spices. Sri Lankans regularly use chicken, fish, and egg as protein sources. The majority of Sri Lankans are Buddhist, and they rarely use pork or beef. The minority of Muslims use beef and even mutton, so the beef and the mutton are also available in Sri Lanka. In Sri Lanka, you can find rice and curry in almost any restaurant.
     Rice and curry mean a portion of rice with a variety of curries and a protein. Most of the time, they serve about three or four curries with rice. One of the most commonly used curries in Sri Lanka is dhal curry. Dhal is cooked with coconut milk and a lot of spices, and they also add turmeric powder to get a beautiful yellow colour. They also serve coconut Sambal “Pol Sambal" with rice. “Pol” means coconut in Sinhalese. They use chopped Onions, a lot of chillies powder, paper salt and mix with coconut to make coconut Sambal. Sri Lankan cuisine is also rich with unique dishes like baby Jack fruit curry, Gotukola sambal, Kohila sambal, jack fruit curry with coconut milk and many others.
    They use rice flour to prepare string hoppers, hoppers and a dish called Pittu. String hoppers a little like noodles and hoppers are like pancakes with the crispy edges. Hoppers with an egg in the middle are called egg hoppers, and all of those things are eaten with spicy curries.


  The most commonly eaten street food in Sri Lanka is called Kottu. Kottu mainly consists of chopped flatbread, and those chopped bread are mixed with vegetables like carrot, leeks, spring onions, eggs, spices, and some gravy. All the above ingredients are mixed in using two metal plates over a hot plate.

Sri Lankan cuisine, tasty food

Tradition Sweets 

    A lot of traditional sweets are also prepared in Sri Lanka. Most of the sweets are made in April as Sri Lankans consider April 14th as the new year day. They prepare sweets like Dodol, Kavum, Mun Kavum and Kokis on special occasions. Most of the sweets are made with rice flour honey and sugar.


    Sri Lanka also has a variety of fruits all around the country, especially fruits like pineapples, mangoes, bananas, avocados are commonly used in Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan also consumes King coconuts. King coconut water is full of electrolytes, very refreshing and healthy. Basically, Sri Lankan foods are delicious, and you can enjoy different flavours in different parts of the country.

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